legal disclosure


mywire Datentechnik GmbH
Weinheimer Str. 84
D - 68 549 Ilvesheim
phone: +49 621-4834816-0
fax: +49 621-4834816-9

Registered office of the company: 68549 Ilvesheim
commercial register: county court Mannheim, HRB 703405
authorized managing directors: Oliver Emsmann, Volker Meier

VAT-ID: DE258760729

Supervisory authority

Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways, registered telecommunications service provider with the registration number 08/155


The entire content of this website is protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property.


mywire Datentechnik GmbH
Oliver Emsmann
Weinheimer Str. 84
D - 68 549 Ilvesheim


Any liability, in particular for possible damages or consequences, which result from the use of the offered knowledge material, is excluded. We assume no liability for the completeness and correctness of the data provided here. In addition, no liability can be assumed for the fact that the data and information offered here are free of rights of third parties.

Note on all external content on this server

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external providers that are integrated on this website or linked to them.

Design and implementation

Darien Pfirrmann - Contentmarketing & Design
Schneidergasse 10
76865 Insheim

T: 06341 2672423

Request a free quote now:

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